What I've Been Learning Recently
Since I don't have any quotes and we need a new post, I'll tell you about what God has been teaching me recently.I've always thought that love was pretty much outward. You know, everybody always says that love isn't only that euphoric feeling of being "in love" and all, and Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." So I've always thought the outward acts like the ones listed in 1 Corinthians 13 were all one needed truly to love God and others. Wrong! I've been reading Desiring God, by John Piper, and he says that love isn't only dutifully serving God with outward actions, you've also got to have a desire to be with Him. That changed my perspective. I started thinking, I really don't have an inner love for God--or for my family. I can fake it pretty well, but is love for God consuming all my thoughts? Do I have feelings of love for my family? I think I've gone too far to the actions side, forgetting Mr. Bond's Golden Mean--you've got to have inner feelings and outward actions. So I've been wondering how I'm supposed to get inner love for God and my family, and from talking with my friends and reading my Bible, I've come up with three ways to get true love:
1. Pray that God will give it to you. (Yeah, sometimes things are so simple we forget about them.)
2. Tell God and others that you love them. You know how if you say, "I'm depressed," or "I'm happy," it tends to come true? Well, I've been thinking about how the Psalmists always are saying over and over how much they love God. Shouldn't we do that, too? If we tell people we love them, we are going to develop love for them.
3. Don't forget about the outward actions, either. I was talking to Sarah, and she challenged me, "How do you outwardly love your family?" Well, I came up with very few examples. So maybe I just need to work harder on outwardly loving my family, and the inside will come along, like I always thought it would. Have you ever heard of the five love languages? They are acts of service, gifts, words of affirmation, touch, and quality time. Sarah challenged me to find out the love language of each member of my family, and use their language to show them that I love them.
I challenge you to pray for love, tell others that you love them, and outwardly show love, and with God's help, your relationships will improve!
whoo hoo first post (in honor of megan)
Hi, Michael!
That is really helpful, Rosie. I think my problem is in the oposite, I truly do have feelings of love for my family, but I don't express it very well at all. Thanks for sharring your thoughts, you've set me thinking again!
Hey, look, I got this off somebody else's blog, and she got it in an email... (at first I thought she was dyslexic!)
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe..
Amzanig huh?
yeah thats pretty cool. i have seen that before. and what's even cooler... my band just played our first real show and although we had some technical difficulties every said they really liked it so yeah
that's funny!
good job, forevereternalmike.
Wow!! That is really cool, Michael! Where did you play? What did you play? Were you nervous? Tell us all about it!
well, we played at the Boys and Girls Club block party and we played 5 of our own songs and i was kinda nervous cuz will (the other guitarist), his amp broke the day before and we had some technical difficulties so i had to stall so i was kinda nervous then but people said they liked it so yeah
Wow, that is cool! (both Michael's band and Rosie's paragraph with the letters switched around)
That's totally insane that you can read words like that... though... I still can't figure out what "paomnehal" is...
That's really interesting... I guess that's how you speed read. You must just take that up a notch and read whole paragraphs at a time...
Wait... phonomenal power? Yeah, that sounds good... so I finally figured it out...
That's so cool that you have a band and like actually play and stuff.
Ok, that's pretty odd... that's the second bug I've squished on my monitor tonight since I got on the computer a few minutes ago.
thanks...if you really think its cool...come to my show on august 26th. you can just come and hang out and not listen to the music, the $5 is for a good cause anyway. i'd love to see you guys there, even though it's not your cup o tea
you meanie, squishing bugs!
Wait, how on earth do you go and not listen to the music? Wear earplugs??
yeah, wear earplugs.
Yeah. Good question.
Um, Alethia? It grieves me VERY much to say this... but... (sob) I don't think I can come tomorro. If there was any possible way, I would, but I don't think their is. :-( Happy Birthday!
And Emma invited me on Monday, and I can't make it to that either, but I don't have her phone number. Could you email it to me pretty please? Thanks alot.
NOOOOOOOOO!!! *cries* We'll miss you! Sarah C especially wanted to see you because you have her shirt! And I'm sure Emma will be grieved, too. Well, I'll have to have you over some other time. Very sad.
Wait a minute... I have Sarah's shirt????? Oh dear! I don't even remember borrowing it... unless she means the white tank top thing... and I know I returned that! I really REALLY wanted to go. Wait... there is the slightest chance that my dad would take me... let me go ask.
This resolves it, once and for all: I have the greatest dad on earth. He talked my mom into letting me go and agreed to drive me both ways!!!!!! He said, "I think she should get to go to Rosemary's." (as if I deserve it or something... don't know what he was thinking!) So I can go!!!!! (so long as you havn't totaly scratched me off the list by now) I'm SOOO happy!!!! How can I repay my dad? I'll have to think of something...
WOOOOHOOO!! Joy and jubilation!!
But are you absolutely positive you have no idea what Sarah is talking about? I'm gonna call her and ask her what the shirt looks like. Just a minute.
Oh, but I must disagree: my daddy is better.
I called Sarah & left a message, but I guess she's not up yet. :)
Probubly. But she did call me. It turnes out that she has my shirt. I'm releaved, because I hate it when I loose people's stuff!
Oh, I'm sorry for getting you all worried that you lost her shirt!
I saw Bonnie at the grocery store just now!
My Dad is the best teacher I've ever had... And also one of the few real people that I have always looked up to.
He's not so great about letting me do things at random. (which is how I do things... I never really plan in a time schedual form...)
Both my parents want us to do better and better all the time but sometimes they forget to congradulate us on what we already do... and that's frusterating. I always get the feeling I'm not being good enough... and that's depressing. When in reality they are happy and proud of us.
And happy birthday Aletheia!!! :) hope you're party was great!!! :D
Yeah, my daddy is one of the few people I look up to, too.
I guess it's true, my parents don't often congratulate me on what I do, like you know some peoples' parents give them money or whatever for getting good grades; I never have had anything like that. They are always pushing me to do better, but I don't get depressed. We both expect me to be improving myself. And my parents do encourage me occasionally. My daddy says, "you're a good kid," and my mommy calls me an angel when I clean the kitchen for her.
And thanks, I am having a happy birthday. I feel so OLD!!
im home! thanks for honoring me chuck thats really special. anyway my mom yelled at me for defying her orders and dragging myself up the stairs but i had to say hello and thank everyone for praying for me. well surgery was good and i came home last nite with 4 new holes in my stomach besides my bellybutton. im gonna go now cuz im totally wiped out but just wanted to let you no that i havent forgotten you. i sent a special prayer up for you friday rosie and i hope that it blessed you birthday and i wish i couldve ben there. ttyl
WELCOME HOME, MEGAN!!! I've been praying for you all week. I'm soo glad you're back! Get well soon, and we need to get together! And thanks for praying for me. My birthday was great.
yay! megan's back! megan, call me...NOW! or whenever
Aw, the picture changed! I liked the old one.
Not really like she's gonna see our comments if her mom makes her stay in bed... we need to call her or visit her.
hey everybody! im feeling pretty normal now so ill be back on more oftener hopefully. i dont even remember writing that last comment i was pretty doped up hehe. so ya you guys should totally call me or visit me or both! can you believe school starts in like 3 weeks? that is so retarded to start in august! i hav seriously had no vacation- making up english, summerschool, surgery.... i need another 2 months just to recover!! o well life isnt fair rite? anyway im oober glad to be home and you guys should really call or visit me or something so we can do something fun before school starts. well my time is up (superstrict mom gave me a time limit to be on here) but i can hopefully come back tomorow. ttly
Hey Rosie! How did your audition for the youth symphony go??
Welcome back Megan! Love Emma
Hey, Emma! It went about as well as I expected. I got nervous and shaky, so I didn't really play my piece all that well, but I didn't make any huge mistakes. I messed up the sharps and flats in the sight reading, but the rhythm part went really well. Which is good, since I've always been pretty bad at rhythm.
How's everybody's week going? I'm going school shopping tomorrow! I'm excited!!
My week is going good. I'm very busy, but I like the challenge of being busy.
Ribbons and I are supposed to go shopping later today and I'm excited!
OH! and yesterday I found a purse at a garage sale that is so me!!! It was love at first sight... :P and it was only 50 cents... so how could I go wrong??? it's brown and it's soooo cute.
Sorry Michael... :P probably you didn't really care about purses or shopping!
I can't wait for school to start!!! I'm sooo ready!!! well....... at least I think I'm ready! All of those computers... man... *happily dreams of computers* I'll bet they're fast too... I hope so!
I pick up books this week.
Yeah, so that's my life!
wait a minute, vanima. does this purse have a scroll-out computer keyboard? or is it decorated with little html symbols? that would be your purse.
Hey, same with me! The past two days have been sooo hectic, and I'm happier than I have been for weeks--I think it's because I can't stand being lazy.
i convinced my stepdad to let me use his laptop so now i dont hafta drag myself upstairs to say hello and..... I DONT WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL!! thats all and i hope everyones ok .... ttyl
Hi, Megan! How are you feeling? Besides reluctant to go back to school?
hey! well besides the fact that i can hardly walk and hav horrible pain in my stomach from all the incisions and havnt done any school shopping im doing pretty good. hows everyone?
instead of hows everyone - wheres everyone?
you all probly stopped blogging cuz it was so boring here w/out me rite?
Yeah, I think so. We need you to liven things up!
Man, that really stinks! Your stomach still hurts really badly? And no shopping!! That's horrible!! Will you be all better by the time school starts?
My mommy says I can go over and visit. What are your visiting hours? :D
Hehe... no Legolas... though I did add a pin on one side that has a piano on it... and on the other side I put a ring on a short chain... *is not obsessed* well, kay, maybe I am... no no, excuse me... just pashionate...
Oh right... where is my brain... guess I could answer all the rest of you!
Really I've been too busy to post... but eh, it's fun... (or at least that's what I keep telling myself)
actually I'm kinda depressed today... don't really know why.
Ribbons and I figure that when school starts the only way we're going to get school, work, piano, exc done is by not sleeping, eating or breathing... good plan, no?
better start practicin the holding your breath thing but ya i can totally sympathize with you there.
So Megan, when can I come over to your house?
o im sorry i didnt answer you rosie! anytime would be cool cuz im always home. just call and tell me when ur on ur way. early next week would probly be best for me cuz im just starting to get back on my feet yesterday and today and ill probly do some school shoppin next week some time or just cum later in the day on any day- it really doesnt matter to me but im really glad that you want to cum see me! everybody else should cum with you! that would be super fun! (ive switched from oober to super)so anyways just giv me a headsup bfor you get here and that would be super.
*holds her breath till she feels faint* hm... perhaps this whole not breathing thing isn't such a good idea after all... oh well! no time in the schedual... :)
OK, Megan, sounds great! I'll come as soon as I can. I'm glad you're getting on your feet again!
I held my breath for a minute and ten seconds at the baluga whale exhibit at the zoo on Saturday...
if you dont think about holding it than you can do it for a super long time i can hold my breath for almost three minutes you just hafta concentrate on something else.i saw this show where this guy was doing abunch of like houdini stuff and he got in this big tank and they had a bunch of toys at the bottom that he played with while he held his breath and he did it for almost seven minutes! ok rosie i hav doctor appointments galore cumin up so we'll hafta plan for something eveningish.
Wow. I think it takes practice, too. But that is impressive--almost three minutes?
How does Tuesday at like 4:00ish sound? Is that too early?
tuesday i go to get my stitches out!
maybe we'll hafta settle for visiting at school...
Noooo! How would Monday work? But I understand if you really can't handle visitors. Sorry if I'm pressuring you.
no i can totally handle it its just i haf seriously like no free time and its like super frustrating cuz i really want to see you! monday i hav to go back to seattle so they can see if my stitches and tubes are ready to cum out on tuesday.
tell me 'bout it.
u can call me tho and if im not home leave me a message about how much you miss me and want to see me. lol jk but you can call me!
hey! i havnt been heer in forever again... who is everyone? like ribbons,vanima elessar and elfgirloflorien? megan had surgury? im sorry! hope ur feeling better! well, ill be back laters... have a great last week of summer! oh, and jackchuckmike, i dunno if i can make it to ur concert... cant find a ride. cya soon -effie
Hey, Effie! Ribbons is Emily, and Vanima Elessar and Elfgirloflorien are her friends.
i get my stitches out tomorrow!! whoop whoop!! pray that i dont faint when they take em out cuz it aint a pretty site.
hey effie! itll be weird not riding with you this year.
which emily? a or w? ya megan, it will be... but i think maybe our moms will work out a carpool or something i dunno... cya laters! -effie
i trust that everyone is coming friday at 5:30 to my show
W. Emily A doesn't have internet.
Trust is a good thing.
my stitches are out! o chuck i wish i could go but ill be there mentally. so everyone ready for sophmore year?
Yay! Was getting your stitches out scary?
I'm ready. Are you going to have your strength back by next week?
the stitches part wasnt too bad but i had a tube going thru my bellybutton into my appendix or something that they had to pull out and that was the weirdest feeling ever! i laff when i get nervous so i was totally cracking up and the doctor was like if you dont stop laffing im just gonna grab it and yank it out!.... so mean. but it went good and im feeling alot better but ive gotta go bak to the hospital today so im leaving in haf hour which stinks cuz ive been there sooo much this month.... anyway i had this really weird dream with clark in it and... it was wierd. ya i really miss you guys and itll really be awesome to see you all agin. well i gotta go.. ttyl ps sorry if i grossed you out
I had a really weird dream with Michael M. in it. He was being wild and crazy... like talking to people and stuff. It was WEIRD.
Magita? ya i gess toking and laffing is considered wild when you think of him. lol
I'm glad your stitches-taking-out went well. How did the dream go? I love having weird dreams. Then I tell people all about them, and I'm sure they're bored to death. *sigh* But I thought they were funny!
I know, I have a friend who loves to tell me dreams... I just grin and bear it. (JK, vanima)
oooooooooh! harsh! lol. well me and clark were in the elevator at school and it got stuck and it was like rocking and going up and down and it was all scary and then it opened and we were in some foreign country and everyone from school was there and i dont remember what happened after that. but i woke up screaming in a cold sweat..... jk just trying to make it more intense. this is our last summer wkend!! SOB! o well i cant wait to see everyone agin but it sucks cuz my mom wont let me go to the park with everyone cuz it will "wear me out" o and i went to costco with my mom today and i wasnt wearing makeup and it was the frst time that ive been out since surgery and i looked really bad and abunch of people from my old school were there and i was like dangit and thats my embarrasing story and hopefully thats the only one ill hav today.
wow i can switch subjects really fast!
haha! rosie i just saw ur comment where you tell chuck that trust is a good thing and i thot that was hilarious. wow i think im losing it.
gnite everyone.
Wow, nice dream.
You don't get to come to the park? That's horrible!! I'm so sorry!
Oh, man, I hate it when I go out in my old clothes or whatever and I'm thinking nobody will see me, and then I see people I know!
I actually said that because once I said I hoped something (I can't remember what), and he said hope is a good thing. So I was getting revenge.
See ya'll on Tuesday!!!!!
[Dad]Hey Aletheia, you really should rule with a more heavy hand... y'all have wandered OT (off topic) and now you have this horribly long thread running on a zillion topics. ;-)
> "Yeah, my daddy is one of the few people I look up to, too."
Aww, I sure never knew that, though it's undeserved because you have many excellent role models you are around almost as much as me.
> "They are always pushing me to do better"
?? This message does not come from me, I am trying to prepare you for the day you will meet your match! However, yes, we do expect you to improve. I call it moderation instead of psychosis.
> "My daddy says, 'you're a good kid,'"
I tell people you're perfect. What more do you want? Money? Well, you have to have some dreams, so we'll let you have that one. Have you chosen your violin yet?
> "I feel so OLD!!"
Pah! You are a juvenile. Cut it out. Remember that you're trying to give yourself healthy messages. I don't even feel old yet. I don't feel old yet. I don't feel old yet. I don't feel old yet. I don't feel old ... yet.
Your OP (original post) has three points which I summarize into two, which reminds me that there are 2 kinds of Bible teachers in the world: the first kind are those who have n-many steps for the topic in question, and uh, those who... :-D
Anyway, your OP says: 1. pray; 2. tell-(feel?); 3. do. You mention feeling but don't include it directly in the list, but I think you mean that by "develop." I've always summarized it as: 1. Ask God for it; 2. "Fake it 'til you make it."
Simply, if we don't ask we should not expect it has to arrive, eh, so we ask God to help this not be a temporary act of the flesh. "Fake" is a negatively-denoted word but in this case I think we recognize we're all hypocrites and it takes time to learn love. We teach babies to say thanks though they have no gratitude. James and 1 John are good reads about what love for God (and others) is, is it action, or obedience, warm feelings, or a blend? Well, I say fake it until you make it. This is not a bad thing, it's the way we learn even in our spiritual gifts. Do we think we jump out of prepubescence as totally-skilled service-oriented people? No, and if we sit around waiting to love before we can begin to love it will never happen. Fake it (practice it) first. And pray.
I hope Ribbon [based on your post] takes this to action (heart). The road to hell is paved with good intentions and feelings. Aletheia, have you mentioned Screwtape here?
Well, I gotta do some sheetrock or my spouse is gonna love me to death. [poof]
I am living proof of that; Good intentions are easy, good actions can be very difficult. I just keep praying and trying very hard to show my love to my family.
im confused.
now im totally confused! lol
hey its megan guess im gonna hafta start saying who i am since all these people are cumin on- kinda weird.
Yeah, that was really weird how about ten people suddenly started posting. Did you notice how they said mostly the same thing? I wonder if it was the same person. I've deleted the comments now. Hopefully you didn't feel like going to dog obedience school or planning your wedding!
actually i was thinkin about sending my imaginary dog to that school and taking my imaginary fiancee to that wedding place. but ya i was totally thinking the same thing- they all sounded the same. omg school is the day after tmorrow!!
o and im megan and i was megan when i wrote the above comment too.
gonna go to bed now- gotta get back in a good sleeping habit. gnite
today was the last day to sleep in w/out worrying about school... SOB!!!
... SOB!!
the last one was just for good measure...
Sorry to dash your imaginary hopes.
I'm glad you're not schizo! (Like me!) I can normally tell you by your style, anyway.
You'll get to see ME tomorrow!!!
wut is schizo? and wut can you tell by wut i wear?
schizophrenic. multiple personalities. thinking your name changes. like us.
your writing style. how you talk. how you spell. how you react.
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